Monday, July 27, 2015

Coming very soon: Outreach to South


As I wrote in the end of the last post we are about to leave to another outreach, this time to the South of Argentina. We are leaving in nine days and will stay for almost three weeks. 

We were invited to take our musical to eight different cities in the South. The shows will be at theaters and schools. The good part is that the audience is already there because it's going to be part of their school schedule. 

"El Viaje de los Hermanos Luna” is our own original musical with lots of colors, noises, laughter and a really good message. Through the play we want to tell the children and people of every age that there is another option for our boring and problematic lives. The solution is personal encounter with “The King of Lights” who represents God. This is such a great opportunity to share this important message to hundreds of kids!

So these last days have been long days of production: wardrobe, choreographies and props. I myself have been composing the new tracks we want to add to the play. To be honest the musical is getting better than ever before!

I write most of the music on computer but we also record real instruments.

The new wardrobe is getting even more colorful!

There are people in the South organizing the whole tour and they are in charge of the internal transport and accommodation. However we have to buy our plane tickets. In our team we are families and young adults, twenty people in total. The half of us have their tickets already, but the rest are still with this economical challenge.

The price of one return ticket is around $300 USD. 

If you are willing to help me or our team please let me know! We also need your prayers, there are a lot of spiritual warfare going on, especially in the area of health. 

Bless you all!

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