This week I have been really tired. Physically, emotionally and spiritually.
We started the week with classes about "Grace & Truth". In the beginning I wasn't really interested but I thought: "This stuff about the balance of Gospel and Law is so basic stuff. I have heard this teaching soooo many times..." But during the classes I understood that even though I had heard so much teaching about this topic I still hadn't got it!
It seems to be so difficult for our human mind to understand God's grace and truth. One more reason to renew my mind!
Yesterday I wrote it this way:
Why is it so hard to understand...
- that my life is not about structures or rules but about knowing God?
- that knowing Him is not about information but about a relationship with Him?
- that a relationship is not about the right words or strick schedule but about intimacy?
- that the intimacy doesn't come through being good but through being real?
- that being real doesn't mean false humility (that's pride btw) but showing the good and the bad that you are?
- that God loves you and needs you that way!?!?
- that the fact I wrote these words and agree with them doesn't mean that I live them out in my thoughts, emotions and actions?
So to be honest this week has been all about hanging on God's grace. I haven't had any own strenght so I just have to hang on Him. And that's the way it should always be! Cause He's my strenght.
The memory verse of my school for this week is Gal. 5:1 (NIV)
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then,
and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
That's a really key in my life. Chirst has set me free from every yoke of sin and religion - which I have experienced both! I must stand firm on His grace and truth in order to stay free!
Or as it says in 2nd Cor 12:9 (MSG)
My grace is enough;
it’s all you need.
My strength comes into its own in your weakness.
His grace is enough for me! I pray that I may really understand it and live out my freedom!
this is a BIG FAT LIE! |
this is the TRUTH that sets you FREE! |
Thanks for walking with me on this journey. May God bless you heaps!
I'm thankful for:
- His grace that holds me even when I don't understand
- I got to see my favourit Christian DJ last week - for FREE..!
- God has been using me to encourage and counsel some friends here!
- for every financial support I have received! Thank you friends! Thank you God!
I'm praying for:
- More deep understanding about His grace
- Finances to the school and for the outreach starting in January
- strenght for everyday and that all the tensions and headache would leave totally
Pakko kysyy, että kuka dj oli kyseessä? =)
ReplyDeleteAndy Hunter° - yritin ladata youtubeen vähän videota setistä, mutta toistaseks vielä ainakin netti jumititti.
ReplyDeleteMakin oon nahnyt Andy Hunterin livena - Espanjassa... mutta en ehka osannut arvostaa hanta niin paljon kun sa. Taitava kaveri se kylla on!
Upeeta settia, Pyry! Tassa sulle sana paivaan:
Hepr. 10:36
"Kestävyys on teille tarpeen, jotta pystyisitte täyttämään Jumalan tahdon ja siten saisitte omaksenne sen, minkä hän on luvannut."
-Ywamer Intiassa
Kiitti rohkasusta!
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DeleteTassa kirjottelee toinen suomalainen, jonka Jumala lahetti Argentiinaan... vaihto-oppilaaksi. Asustelen talla hetkella Puerto Madrynissa ja pari viikkoa sitten mulle selvisi, etta suunnilleen naapurissa on Ywamin paikallinen "koulu", jossa aion kayda parin viikon kesakurssin. Pari paivaa sitten porukat JuCUMista kertoivat, etta tuntevat jonkun suomalaisen "Purun", que vive y estudia en Jucum en Buenos Aires. Selailin sitten tossa facebookissa olevaa blogilistaa, huomasin sanan "Argentiina" ja paadyin tanne. Maailma on pieni.
Vaikuttaa alyttoman siistilta, mita opit taalla. Ois tosi kiva kuulla, etta miten Jumala kutsu sut just Argentiinaan? Mita Jumala puhunut sulle jotain tasta maasta? And let me know jos paadyt kaymaan P.Madrynissa algun dia :)
-Una Finlandesa